Sunday, May 8, 2011

They're baaack!!

This is very exciting—but it is so hard to welcome spring back without burbling over with clichés!

So, Lazy Gnome will focus on two events in the garden this past week...

First, the tulips are up and budding!! LG hastily tucked them into the earth some time in the fall, worried that as they had been untimely ripped from the yard last spring and banished to the basement (there being at the time, no garage!), they may not be appropriately primed to last the winter and put on their show...well, LG is happy to report that there are patches of them on three sides of the house! Characteristically, LG neglected to notate where she put what and as a result, each wee green or purple pointy, curled leaf that has come up has been a joyous surprise! And if some aren’t coming up...well, no one knows! Triumph of nature, those wondrous bulbs!

(As a somewhat depressing side note, if you, dear reader, were to trace back to LG’s posts from early May 2010, you would see that the tulips were up, had bloomed and then were unceremoniously trounced with snow by this time last year...)

Now, perhaps even more interestingly, the landscapers are back, too! In fact, they installed a whole new section of paving stone and outlined the edging for the beds on Friday. This is major progress! Tomorrow they promise to fix that section of paving stones that collapsed at the back door, and there should be sod when LG returns from work...sod! glorious, green grass!! This will require daily watering until it sets, and then an eventual high cut, but still, it will start to look like a yard!!

Now, the sad-ish part of this: in negotiating the work with the landscaper last summer, apparently in a fit of frugality, Lazy Gnome indicated she herself would lay the mulch. Ahem. Lazy Gnome loves mulch—it allows her to be extremely good at the lazy part...AFTER it is in place. Not that it is heavy, mind you, but she has been told she cannot roll it over the new sod. So, there will be several evenings this week and possibly all of next weekend during which LG will be steering the wheel barrel along the new paving stone to dump the mulch and then try to rake it into place...egads. Perhaps she can recruit / draft the 3-year old across the street who is enthralled with the "diggers"...
There will be a very high need for G&T’s by Saturday!!

PS: Happy Mother's Day!

"May is a pious fraud of the almanac." ~~~James Russell Lowell, 1869

"Who would have thought my shrivelled heart

Could have recovered greenness?"~~~George Herbert, The Flower, 1633

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