Sunday, May 9, 2010

Tulips, May 4, 2010

Not much to say--those who lived through the unusual spring storm on May 4 remember it and will hopefully forget it soon. It's not unusual to have a spring storm; it's unusual for to be as cold as it was, and for the snow to last longer than a day...but Lazy Gnome is eternally optimistic that it was the last for this season, hoping against hope that the Vitoria Day Long weekend--which is REALLY late this year--won't bring more heavy white stuff to dampen our moods....

Yes, that is the same tulip as the photo in the last post, and you can just make out the one ear of the cast iron bunny--who probably needs a name, right?--behind.

The post is going up on May 9--and things are okay again in the garden weather-wise. The moisture has helped green things up...and the grass needs cutting!! Why is it that in the world of gardening, good news always brings more work!?

Oh--Happy Mother's Day to you, your mother and everyone in your life who is like a mother to you...and of course, to Mother Nature! It's a beautiful day to step out, breathe deeply and thank Her for providing the beauty and joy of the flora and fauna around us, and to pledge to harm that as little as possible in our time on the planet...

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